Should I Supply My Own Glazing Product or Should My Installer?

Should I Supply My Own Glazing Product or Should My Installer?

Choosing the right glazing product for your home can be a challenging task. Once you have selected the right product, you then need to decide whether you want to supply the product yourself or if you should rely on your installer to provide it for you. In this blog post, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of each option, so you can make an informed decision for your home.

Supplying Your Own Glazing Product

If you decide to supply your own glazing product, you will have more control over the quality and cost of the product. You can shop around and compare prices from different suppliers to ensure that you are getting the best deal. You can also choose a product that meets your specific requirements, whether it be energy efficiency, noise reduction, or a specific style or design.

However, there are also some disadvantages to supplying your own glazing product. Firstly, you will be responsible for ensuring that the product is delivered to your home in good condition. If the product arrives damaged, you will need to contact the supplier and arrange for a replacement, which can be a time-consuming process. Secondly, you will need to ensure that the product is installed correctly, as any mistakes can lead to problems down the line.

Installer Supplied Glazing Product

If you decide to rely on your installer to supply the glazing product, you can benefit from their expertise and experience. They will be able to recommend a product that is suitable for your specific requirements and budget. They will also be responsible for ensuring that the product is delivered to your home in good condition and installed correctly, giving you peace of mind.

However, there are also some disadvantages to relying on your installer to supply the glazing product. Firstly, you may have less control over the quality of the product, as you will need to rely on the expertise of your installer. Secondly, you may have less control over the cost of the product, as your installer may mark up the price of the product to cover their own costs.


Ultimately, whether you decide to supply your own glazing product or rely on your installer to provide it for you will depend on your specific circumstances. If you have experience with purchasing and installing glazing products, and you want to have more control over the quality and cost of the product, then supplying your own product may be the best option for you. However, if you are unsure about which product to choose, or you want the peace of mind that comes with professional installation, then relying on your installer to supply the product may be the better option.

Whichever option you choose, it is important to do your research and choose a reputable supplier or installer. Look for reviews and recommendations from other homeowners, and ask for references from the supplier or installer before making a decision. By choosing a high-quality glazing product and a professional installer, you can ensure that your home is comfortable, energy-efficient, and secure.

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